Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Year 2

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 

 Year 2 timetable - Spring 25.pdfDownload
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Autumn Term 2024 

Welcome back to school Year 2! We hope you had a lovely summer break and cannot wait to hear all about it.
This term, we will be learning about lots of new topics whilst revisiting and building upon some of your learning from Year 1. Please see below information about what the children will be learning in each subject for the Autumn term.
We will start the year developing our writing skills by exploring a narrative book called 'Frog and the Stranger' by Max Velthuijs and then move on to a non-fiction unit of writing instructions based on the book called 'How to make friends with a Ghost' by Rebecca Green. During these units, the children will develop their understanding of nouns, verbs and adjectives and move on to exploring expanded noun phrases, commas and conjunctions to create multi-clause sentences. Throughout the term the children will also explore the following texts: 'The Puffin Book of Fantastic First Poems' by June Crebbin, 'Last Stop on Market Street' by Matt de la Peña and 'Dragon Post' by Emma Yarlett.
The children will start by building on developing their understanding of number and place value through counting, ordering and comparing as well as making tens and some more to regroup 2 digit numbers. The children will move on to looking at addition when finding complements of 10 and 100, finding the unknown of a part or whole and adding and subtracting numbers mentally. During measurement, the children will explore making different combinations of money and finding change, comparing numbers (difference, more, less, fewer) and estimating measures using different scales.
In science we will begin the year investigating materials by asking questions, recording information, looking at grouping and understanding how materials are made and the process of making a material.  The children will then move on to learning about the life processes, different habitats and exploring food chains.
We will be investigating what school was like in the past and then comparing it to what school life is like now, describing what is similar and different. The children will also be creating questions to ask their grandparents as an interview as a source of information to learn about the past. The children will also learn about the Great Fire of London and how this has impacted the way we live today.
The children will be building on their knowledge from Year 1 about the continents, oceans and seas of the world and countries within the UK. We will be delving deeper into hot and cold climates, comparing the two and thinking about which they would rather live in and why.
In DT, we are going to look at fairground rides, focusing on ferris wheels and exploring the mechanisms which make them move. The children will then design and make their own ferris wheel and work through the making process developing the skills of using wheels and axels.
We will be using maps as a stimulus for drawing. The children will look at different maps including real maps and artistic versions, discussing what they like and dislike about the different representations. They will then create a sketch of a map of their own journey to school and use this to create a relief map in 3D using different materials and textures to represent the objects in their map.
Our first topic, is families and relationships where the children will be exploring how everyone's family is different, who is in their family and how to build healthy relationships. We will then learn about health and well being where the children will develop their understanding of different emotions, how this may feel in our bodies and strategies to regulate these, keeping our bodies physically healthy and how to develop a growth mindset.
The children will be learning about why different cultures and religions give thanks and the different ways in which this can be done. They will even have a go at writing their own lyrics to create their own song about giving thanks. They will then begin to investigate the many ways light is used in religious and worldview contexts, exploring different festivals through artwork and stories, focusing on candles.
Our first unit in PE is multi skills where the children will develop and practice their balance, agility and co-ordination. The children will then move onto gymnastics where they will learn how to use their body to make different shapes, controlled movements, jumps, rolls and perform a sequence of movements.
Spring term 2025
In the Spring term, the children will be exploring traditional tales in English, making combinations of money and learning the written method for addition and subtraction in Maths.
In the foundation subjects, we will be looking at why our world is wonderful, how we learned to fly, how to keep our bodies safe and how the body changes and microhabitats.