School Lunches
From Summer term 2024 school lunches will be at a cost of £3.35 from year 3 to year 6. In Nursery they will be at a cost of £2.58.
All children in Reception to year 2 are in receipt of free universal school meals.
All dinners must be paid for in advance.
The school encourages a healthy eating policy which is within the guidelines issued by Shire Catering and Hertfordshire County Council. Our cook offers a choice of menu, which provides a balanced healthy eating diet, and children are encouraged to try the meals on offer. Payment can be made online. Children may bring in a packed lunch. Parents are asked to provide a suitable labelled lunch box. In order to support our healthy schools policy, fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate are not allowed.
At break times children may bring in a fruit or vegetable snack. Foundation Stage and Key Stage One are provided with fruit and are also encouraged to drink milk. All children are encouraged to bring labelled water bottles into school.
Water Bottles
Drinking water is incredibly important to your child’s health and well-being. Therefore please send them in with a named water bottle on a daily basis. Drinking water is also available in all classrooms.
Nut Free School
We at Saffron Green Primary School are a Nut-Free school. The school aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts yet also help them, as they grow up, to take responsibility as to what foods they can eat and to be aware of where they may be put at risk. We do not allow nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes.
Our “Nut-Free Policy” means that the following items should not be brought into school:
- Packs of nuts
- Peanut butter or Nutella sandwiches
- Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
- Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
- Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
- Cakes made with nuts
- Any home cooked meals for packed lunches that are made from nuts
To find out more about School Dinners please contact the School Office.