Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Phonics


At Saffron Green we follow the systematic synthetics phonics programme, Read Write Inc.

Early Reading

At Saffron Green Primary School we recognise and value the importance of early reading and the impact this has on developing secure starts to each child's phonological journey, developing vocabulary and language skills.

We teach early reading through the synthetic phonics scheme called Read Write Inc (RWI).  RWI has a clear progression of reading books that are phonetically decodable.  Books have been carefully aligned so that they specifically match what children have been learning in class. Children will bring home a phonetically decodable book, linked to their learning as well as a 'Book Bag Book' which closely links to the book focused on in school. Children will also revise the sounds taught that week using letter formation practice sheets and identifying and spelling words matching the initial sound taught.

During RWI, there is a daily phonics lesson where the teacher teaches a new sound, or reviews sounds learned earlier in the week. This is shown to the class using sound cards, picture cards and on the whiteboard using matching sound freeze pictures. Children learn to read letters or groups of letters (special friends) by saying the sounds they represent. It is important to pronounce the pure sound as you would say them within a word so children can hear and orally blend accurately and fluently. 

Here are some further resources to help you support your child at home!