Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
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Year 6 timetable - Spring 25.pdf | Download |
Spring Term 2023/24
After a fabulous start to the year with lots of exciting learning, year 6 are looking forward to beginning a new Spring term.
We have lots of learning to do and interesting new topics to discover and explore. This term we will begin to have more Maths and reading homework as well as our fun, imaginative new projects to begin in Spring.
Art: This term our focus will move on from photography to drawing! We will be looking at the key skills needed for drawing and creating our own street art!
DT: This term we will be doing some cooking!
History: The Spring term will be all about 'Who should be on our bank notes?'. We will explore some famous figures in our history and find out who is on our bank notes and why!
Geography: The Spring term will take us on a learning journey all about our energy, where it comes from and how we can make our energy use more sustainable!
Science: We will be learning all about light and reflection, looking at how shadows are formed and using different pieces of equipment to measure it.
In Maths we will be focused on consolidating the four operations and deepening our strategies and knowledge. We will be focusing on reasoning questions, time, fractions and large numbers.
SATS will be upon us in May so we will also be working hard to consolidate reading comprehensions, spelling and grammar this term.
Year 6
Autumn Term 2023/24
Welcome to Year 6!
We are extremely excited to begin a new academic year. This term we will be revisiting and depending our knowledge of some of the topics started in Year 5. We have lots of exciting lessons and activities planned this term and we can’t wait to get started!
In science, we will be investigating materials this term, beginning by predicting, planning and carrying out a range of experiments to understand materials, solubility and filtration.
We will be studying World War II this Autumn, looking at how and why World War II began and the lives of evacuee children.
This term, we will be learning all about population change. Studying migration, refugees and the reasons behind population change in the world.
Through the work of many different photographers, we will be exploring and producing our own amazing photography!
This term will be all about structures, we will investigate, explore and create different playground structure models using a range of materials and equipment.
Our exploration will take us on a comparative journey, comparing and contrasting a range of areas and looking more deeply at what religion is and what it means to people around the world.
In English we will be starting our new topic as a school, looking at the book ‘The Fate of Fausto'. We will work with the rest of the school to learn a range of writing styles, and will use all of the skills that we have already learned in year 5.
In Maths we will be recapping the skills that we have learned in Year 5 as well as pushing ourselves to deepen our learning. We will be looking at lots of arithmetic and reasoning questions to become familiar with the format of these questions.
SATs Homework Links:
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ks2-maths-sats-daily practice B4.pdf | Download |
ks2-maths-sats-daily practice B5.pdf | Download |
Maths Revision - Answers.pdf | Download |
Maths Revision - Questions.pdf | Download |
Year 6 SATs - Charlie and the chocolate factory.pdf | Download |
Year 6 SATs - reading comprehension pack.pdf | Download |
Year 6 SATs - The homework Helper.pdf | Download |
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