Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Science



 Science at Saffron Green Primary School.pdfDownload
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Within the science learning at Saffron Green, we aim for all children to develop their inquisitive nature through nurturing their curiosity for learning about the wider world. The depth of learning achieved will encourage the children to make connections to their prior knowledge and embed their procedural knowledge into long-term memory. In strengthening this understanding, the children will understand how to use specific scientific skills, vocabulary and knowledge to think scientifically. They will understand how to execute a fair test and make reasonable and helpful predictions. Through tackling any misconceptions the children may have, we will aid them in developing their confidence in using the foundations of their learning beyond their Saffron Green education.


EYFS is the very beginning of developing these essential skills and tools for learning. This will come predominantly through their learning areas of Understanding the world and Personal, Social and Emotional development. In these areas of learning the children will be encouraged to explore the differences between themselves and their peers, alongside cause and effect in their differing learning environments-including the wider school.


 Science curriulum outline.pdfDownload
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 Science Progression of Skills Overview.pdfDownload
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