Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Music



At Saffron Green, children will be inspired to develop a love for music, and have opportunities to make music through a variety of experiences including singing, playing instruments, composing, listening and critical evaluation. We aim to encourage children to think more musically and have fun experimenting with rhyme and rhythm. 

We recognise the importance of singing in children’s school life and even beyond the subject. We provide singing opportunities in various occasions including music lessons, assemblies and school plays to ensure that our children enjoy singing and become increasingly confident in performing throughout their journey here. Children also make music using a wide range of musical instruments including tuned and un-tuned percussions, and recorders. They are to be taught to play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression.

In music, children are also exposed to a range of musical styles and genres so that they appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians. They will also learn to listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.



To ensure the effective delivery of the music subject according to the National Curriculum for music, our school provides consistent weekly music lessons for all children. We have a subscription to Sing Up and Charanga Music as tools to enhance children’s musical learning experiences. Singing, performing, composing and listening are embedded throughout all music lessons with the effective integration of interrelated dimensions of music including pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, and structure. A variety of musical instruments are made available to ensure child can apply their learnt musical skills. Children have opportunities to perform throughout their school year including Christmas plays, Harvest assemblies, weekly achievement assembly, Easter plays and school musicals. Whole class recorder lessons are delivered to KS2 children and an after school Choir club is offered to children from Year 1 to Year 6. 

On-going formative assessments are carried out in music lessons through questioning and answering, solo and ensemble performances, self-evaluation and peer feedback.


The New National Plan for Music (published 25th June, 2022) is titled ‘The Power of Music to Change Life’. This is the impact we aim for. Our music provision here at Saffron Green should open opportunities, encourage creativities, enable collaboration, teach perseverance, and therefore impact children’s life. Children can have long-term benefits through their learning in music, a love for music that will carry on even across other subjects and beyond their school life.

 Music Curriculum outline.pdfDownload
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