Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 5
    3. FAO: YR5

    FAO: YR5

    17 May 2024 (by Sadie Brown (Sadie Brown))

    Just to let you know we will be covering a unit named 'Safety and the changing body' after half-term in PSHE. This unit covers learning about: online friendships, staying safe online, puberty, menstruation, emotional changes in puberty,  how to administer first aid to someone who has a head injury or is bleeding and alcohol, drugs and tobacco (making decisions in relation to these).
    There is more information on our website. Please let me know if you need further information and I can email you the RSE school policy. Please speak to your children at home about what they have learnt. 
    Thank you for your understanding in this,
    Miss Brown