Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 4
    3. FAO : Year 4 - 08/11/24

    FAO : Year 4 - 08/11/24

    8 November 2024 (by Amy Salsbury (admin))

    Good afternoon,

    This week, the children have written poems based on the poem "A Small Dragon" by Brian Patten.

    Here is the link for the children to listen to: ->  A Small Dragon by Brian Patten.

    They are enjoying using their imagination to create their own poems, and we are still in the process of completing them.

    If there are any projects still to be completed, we would like to share them in assembly at some point.

    The children have been working hard on their maths problem-solving skills, which is really great to see.

    Until next time, see you next week.

    Mr Brooke