FAO: Nursery- Photo uploads to Tapestry28 January 2025 (by Naomi Alexander (Nursery)) |
Good evening!
As part of our topic this term we are looking at My Community and Travel. Through this topic we would love to see what adventures you get up to over your weekends - this could be going on a train, bus or just travelling some where in your community.
Photos and a brief outline of what you have been up to can be uploaded to Tapestry. These photos and observations will only be visible to the teacher and not the rest of the class. Sharing pictures can be an excellent way to get children talking and discussing what they have been up to and exposing others to their own background. (Photos can up uploaded by clicking on the blue 'Add Observation')
I look forward to seeing what travels and places you all visit!
Thank you for supporting the children in their learning.
Best wishes,
Mrs Alexander