Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 1
    3. FAO Year 1 This Week's Recap

    FAO Year 1 This Week's Recap

    7 February 2025 (by Ellie Gath (Ellie Gath))

    Hi Year 1,

    This week the children have been trying really hard with their work, as well as with showing us how to be kind people and good listeners at school. We have had a few children go to see the headteacher this week to get a sticker and a prize for showing us these things.

    Year 1 have also continued to collect lots of points for their houses, and have made bunting in their house colourrs which will be displayed in our corridor. These houses are represented by big cats: green lions, yellow leopards, red tigers and blue jaguars.

    PE was with the coach this week and we showed lots of enthusiasm when performing different kinds of jumps off the apparatus in the hall. This will mean that next week PE is on Tuesday with me. 

    In English, we created mini stories about when we have had a worry following on from reading 'Ruby's Worry'. Today we started our new book 'Oi Frog' and used our knowledge of rhyming words to spot them in this book. 

    In Maths, we looked at counting back from 20, followed by understanding subtraction using various resources including bead strings, tens frames and numicons. We are now moving on to thinking about how many different ways a number can be represented using different resources or equations.

    Our Curriculum focus was History, and the children really enjoyed talking about their favourite toy and looking at how toys have changed over the last 100 years or so. 


    Miss Gath